Therapi Tylino - Coronavirus Update.

Therapi Tylino massage must remain closed

The CNHC and GCMT have provided guidance following Boris' speech (GCMT - The General Council for Massage Therapies / CNHC - Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council)

Lockdown continues for massage and soft tissue therapists across the UK, it also means disciplines involving hands on therapy clinics and practices must remain closed.

Pain caused by tense muscles, or tight joins can limit mobility and bring trials & tribulations in the most normal circumstances.

Whilst I am unable to see patients face to face until further notice, I am still available to provide advice and guidance! The situation is out of my control.

I am continuing to follow the latest health and safety regulations and I am constantly following the up to date research and guidelines regarding hygiene and safety precautions.

It will take time to get back into normal when the lockdown is lifted, please be patient. Please be assured that all my clients are very valued.

Please remember that social distancing must continue in order to stay safe.

Best Regards

Roger Daniels

Therapi Tylino providing Massage

Your mobile solution to immobile problems
